Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send?  And who will go for us?”  And I said, “Here am I.  Send me!”

We could have never imagined that this verse would have changed the course of our lives!  Throughout high school and college, we both had opportunities to serve on short-term foreign missions trips, but at that time we didn’t expect those trips to be anything more than a special “event” during a period of our lives.  After a few bad choices, both financially and spiritually, the Lord brought us together, and our separate call to missions produced an instant connection.  We prayed over this verse as a couple, and knew that God was calling us into obedience.  Setting aside our selfish ambitions and putting ourselves in a position to be utilized by God started us on a journey.  A journey of healing, a journey of learning, a journey of faith, hope and of love.  We have learned already that the journey is the reward.

We currently live and serve in Giseyni, Rwanda but have lived in Africa since January 2010.  We started our journey as a young couple and have since added 3 littles to our lives!  Madelyn, born in Cameroon, Jake, born in Rwanda and Amalia, born in Colorado.

Why do we do what we do?

It’s not about making an impact on childhood nutrition.  It’s not about raising fish and filling hungry stomachs. It’s not about improving the lives of single mothers through economic empowerment.  It’s about people’s hearts.  We want to show Christ’s love and concern for them by walking alongside them and listening to what matters to them.  God is a part of everything we do and our purpose is to be an example while we do it.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with the us.