“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.”  Nat Turner

I was just a few weeks past my intensive French class.  I was overconfident in my language abilities, and I just knew what I was saying was correct.  I told my house worker that day that I really wanted fish for dinner that evening, and he looked at me rather confused.  I said it again, “Je veux manger du poison ce soir.”  In my confidence, I just could not figure out why he couldn’t understand me.  And then it hit me, I realized my mistake.  And embarrassingly I said, “no no no, not ‘posion’ (poison), ‘poisson’ (fish).  Together we laughed and laughed, and then he said he’d be happy to help me find the fish and cook it for dinner.

Years later, I still think about that moment.  Too many times over the years my communication skills have been less than ideal in many situations.  James 1:19 says “Know this, my beloved brothers; let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.”  Although I have always been a patient person, I do not always respond lovingly in situations that I should.  Too often I find myself responding to the umpteenth request from the kids that day in a very careless way, realizing moments later that their demand was innocent and my reaction unfair.  Yet, every time, no matter how many times I mess up, my kids love me just the same as they did moments before.

Isn’t that our beautiful relationship with Christ?  We are GRACED.  I’m currently in an online Bible study with a group of other missionary ladies in Rwanda and we are reading a book about grace.  Every chapter gives us an example and a reason why we are graced.  What is the definition of grace?  Given favor which, we do not deserve.  I do not deserve to be forgiven and yet repeatedly, just like my children, our loving Heavenly Father forgives.  I am reminded that although my words may be hurtful, or my actions unfair, my God is bigger than my words and my actions.  Sometimes, the same grace shown to me, is the same grace I need to show to others.  “Sometimes grace looks like a deep breath and the ability to hold our tongue.”  Thank you God, because we are GRACED.

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